Editing of Wastewater Properties
Wastewater is a complex system composed of water and variousimpurities, which is represented by water quality indicators. Waterquality indicators can be divided into physical indicators,chemical indicators and biological indicators. Various waterquality indicators can indicate the types and quantities ofimpurities in water, and can judge whether the water quality isgood or bad and whether the discharge indicators are met. Inwastewater treatment, the determination of treatment degree, theselection of process flow, the design and operation management oftreatment process must have a full understanding of the nature ofwastewater, otherwise it is impossible to achieve good results. Themain water quality indicators of wastewater are as follows.
Editing of Physical Index of Wastewater
Physical indicators of wastewater mainly include temperature,color, odor and solid content. Chromaticity and solid content areoften detected.
1. Chromaticity Food industry wastewater often contains organicmatter or inorganic dyes, biological pigments, inorganic salts,organic additives and so on, but wastewater is colored, and thecolor is very deep. In water quality analysis, the index to measurethe degree of water color is chroma. In general, the true colorafter removal of suspended solids is taken as the standard. Thecolorimetric analysis method is used to compare the color of thestandard colored solution of known concentration with that of thewater sample of unknown colority.
2. Most of the magazines in wastewater with solid content belongto solid substances. These solid substances exist in water in theform of dissolution and suspension. They are called total solids,including organic compounds, inorganic compounds and variousorganisms. In water quality analysis, besides the determination oftotal solid content, several indicators such as suspended solids,volatile suspended solids and dissolved solids should also bedetermined.
(1) Total Solid (TS) refers to the residue of a certain amountof water sample dried at 105-110 C in water quality analysis, whichis expressed by weighing.
(2) Suspended solids (SS) or suspended solids are the parts oftotal solids in suspended state, which contain organic andinorganic components.
(3) Volatile suspended solids (VSS) are the weight loss ofsuspended solids by heating and burning at 600 (?) C, representingthe organic part of suspended solids, one of which is biodegradablesuspended solids (BVSS) and the other is non-biodegradable(NBVSS).
(4) Non-volatile suspended solids (NVSS) is the residual part ofsuspended solids after burning, also known as ash, which representsthe inorganic part of suspended solids.
(5) Dissolved solids (DS) or dissolved solids refer to thedissolved part of the total solids, which is obtained by drying andweighing a certain amount of filtrate of water samples.
Selection of Food Wastewater Treatment Technology andApplication Editor of Disposal Agents
Food industry has a wide range of raw materials and products.The quantity and quality of wastewater discharged vary greatly. Butin general, the main pollutants in food wastewater are
(1) Solid substances floating in wastewater, such as vegetableleaves, peel, minced meat, poultry feathers, etc.
(2) Substances suspended in wastewater are grease, protein,starch, colloidal substances, etc.
(3) acid, alkali, salt, sugar dissolved in wastewater, etc.
(4) Mud, sand and other organic substances entrained by rawmaterials, etc.
(5) Fatal pathogens, etc.
The common characteristics of wastewater from food industry arehigh content of organic substances and suspended solids, easy to becorrupted, and generally without great toxicity. The main hazardsare eutrophication of water bodies, resulting in the death ofaquatic animals and fish, promoting the foul smell of organicmatter deposited on the bottom of the water, deteriorating waterquality and polluting the environment.
In addition to proper treatment according to the characteristicsof water quality, biological treatment is generally suitable forfood industry wastewater treatment. If the requirement of effluentquality is very high or the organic matter content in wastewater isvery high, two-stage aeration tank or two-stage biological filter,or multi-stage biological rotary table, or two biological treatmentdevices are combined, or anaerobic-aerobic series biologicaltreatment system can be used.
From the selection of polyacrylamide for food wastewater sludgedewatering agent, cationic polyacrylamide is generally chosen assludge dewatering agent, which is similar to the biochemical sludgeof domestic sewage treatment plant. We know that the sewage ofdomestic sewage treatment plant is relatively high in organicmatter content. Most of the sewage comes from restaurantwastewater, fecal wastewater and washing in our daily life. Bathwastewater, etc. From the analysis of the complexity of the sourcestructure of wastewater, it is similar to food wastewater.